Cardiac Health

Cardiac Health

Having your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked should become part of your routine checkup as it is ultimately important in regards to heart health. Heart disease often presents with no symptoms. So, whether or not you think anything is wrong with you, it is extremely important you discuss your risk factors with your doctor! It is essential that you provide your doctor with as much information about your lifestyle and family history as possible.

High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor in heart disease and stroke. It plays a huge role in heart health as should be monitored regularly (See risk groups below) to ensure you stay on top of your heart health.

How Is Cholesterol Tested?

A small sample of blood will be with us on-site by Lexowell Health Centre for a cholesterol screening. This aims to measure your level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides. These results will give a reading suggesting your cholesterol level and potential risk group. Diet, exercise and lifestyle changes are still not enough for some people due to genetic factors and inheritance of an altered gene. If you are at risk of heart disease or stroke and your cholesterol level doesn't drop within a safe range after a dedicated focus on diet, exercise and lifestyle, your doctor may recommend medications to force your cholesterol score down.